Detox in dogs

What exactly does detoxing your dog mean and how does it work? The topic of detoxification has been a trend for us humans for a long time, and it is now also being applied to our four-legged friends. But does detoxification through herbal supplements do any good and if so, when should this be used?

What is detox in dogs?

"Detox" is a short form of "detoxification" and basically means removing poisonous substances. The term is often used in connection with cleansing the body of harmful substances or toxins. But it also includes waste products from everyday metabolic processes being broken down or excreted by the body's own detoxification organs. As a rule, a healthy dog's body detoxifies itself on its own. However, due to various influencing factors or stressful phases of life for the dog, their detoxification system can end up getting challenged. Over a longer period of time, this can possibly have an effect on your dog's well-being and become noticeable, for example, in its behaviour.

Tips to help your dog detoxify its own body Tips to help your dog detoxify

What are demanding or stressful phases of life for dogs?

Stressful phases in a dog's life can have psychological triggers such as stress or fear, or they may be due to physical causes. Heat in bitches can cause hormonal stress. But this cycle phase can be stressful not only for the bitch herself, but possibly also for unneutered male dogs in the immediate vicinity. False pregnancies are especially stressful for many female dogs and can sometimes affect their eating behaviour. Bitches often have less appetite during heat and occasionally refuse food completely.
Generally speaking, too little food intake or an unsuitable diet can have a negative effect on the dog in the long run. The resulting nutrient deficiency affects the detoxification system's operational efficiency in the long term. Likewise, changes in diet, for example due to a frequent change in feed, can affect the gastrointestinal tract. The amount and texture of the dog's faeces are good indicators in such cases. Ideally, dogs should excrete firm (but not rock-solid) faeces once or twice a day. This indicates healthy intestinal flora and also shows they are digesting food properly. If the dog's faeces change over a longer period of time and are, for example, very thin or conspicuously hard, we recommend that you get a vet to identify the cause.
In addition to a poor diet, physical stress also plays a role. Extreme activities without appropriate rest periods can stress dogs. The same applies to canine overweight, as this puts additional stress on the animal's body. Incidentally, long periods of rest, such as after an operation following a cruciate ligament rupture with subsequent medication, could also be described as a challenging phase for dogs. Firstly, the dog usually has to recover from an anaesthetic and take it easy, secondly, this means your four-legged friend will be lacking their usual physical exercise during this time.
For some dogs, separation from their owner over a long period of time, for example several days or weeks, is also a psychological strain, and a change of owner is even more stressful. Both phases can lead to a greater or lesser extent of discomfort, depending on the dog and can show in their behaviour.
Dog that is lethargic, tired and possibly overworked or ill. Exposure to pollutants can affect the dog's behaviour

Possible signs of psychological as well as physical stress in dogs:

  • The dog is weak
  • Partially stressed behaviour
  • Restlessness due to lack of exercise, as the dog may have to be resting
  • There may be effects on their coat and skin, e.g. duller coat than usual, matted coat
  • Change in behaviour, e.g. due to the dog grieving
  • Reduced food intake due to lack of appetite
  • Diarrhoea

All the above signs should not be confused with general nervous behaviour. They may also indicate other health challenges that need medical consultation.

How can I support my dog's detoxification?

Dogs can normally rid themselves of pollutants naturally. The kidneys, the liver, the lungs, the skin, as well as the lymphatic system and  the intestines, are majorly involved in the canine detoxification process. Due to the causes listed above, the detoxification system can be severely challenged at times, even in healthy dogs. 
You may decide to use herbal supplements to support detoxification based on various factors. This means you will be helping your dog's body to eliminate harmful substances or metabolic waste products, by strengthening the digestive tract or the specific organs responsible for detoxification. 

Dogs with health issues that are on permanent medication, or need to take medication, intermittently should only take herbal supplements for detoxification after veterinary consultation and prescription, to avoid possible interactions.
Healthy dogs or canines that are not receiving veterinary treatment for an acute condition or have completely finished such treatment can take detox supplements. 
Snacks that support the body's own processes using plant-based ingredients are especially suitable.

Fit-Bits Detox 1 x 150g

Functional snacks - Detox

Suitable for dogs that are exposed to harmful substances

7,99 €
incl. tax, plus shipping costs
Base price: 53,27 €/kg
It is important to note that herbal detoxification methods will not treat acute poisoning in dogs and should not be used on their own, without other solutions. If your dog has been poisoned, from eating poisonous plants  or substances, you should consult a vet immediately. This is the only way your beloved four-legged friend can get the treatment they urgently need. After they have been treated successfully for the poisoning, you can then support your dog's recovery with herbal supplements.

When can detox treats support your dog?

  • After an illness or therapy, Fit-Bits Detox can support your dog with their recovery or elimation of metabolic products.
  • After recovery from poisoning (such as poisonous plants or food).
  • For recovery after an operation
  • After vaccination or deworming
  • Fit-Bits Detox should only be given to the dog after the medication has been discontinued (if used in combination with individual medication, interactions can occur or the medication's effects can be weakened).
  • After a feed change
  • For recovery after heavy physical exertion
  • During and after heats
Treats or snacks for detoxification can support the body's detoxification process Detoxifying the dog can help it become more active again

How can detox snacks for dogs help?

Various plants, herbs or oils in a suitable form can support and promote certain metabolic processes in the dog's body. This can support the dog's own detoxification system and prevent overloading.

Fit-Bits Detox can support dog detox in the following ways:

  • Artichoke supports your dog's bile flow and thus the liver's metabolism to eliminate toxins and metabolic products
  • Birch leaf supports urinary excretion
  • The Vitamin C contained, provides sufficient antioxidants
  • Immune system supported
  • Savory, basil and dill have an antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Appetite stimulating effects

More tips on how to avoid exposure to pollutants in dogs:

The best way to prevent poisoning and rid your dog of contaminants, is to provide a healthy and safe environment and proper veterinary care. Generally speaking, avoid your dog coming into contact with harmful substances. For example, you should store cleaning products and food in such a way that your four-legged friend cannot get access to them. During walks and excursions, make sure that your dog does not pick up or eat anything from the ground or tamper with plants. This also applies to houseplants in your own four walls. By the way, you can find more information about this topic in our online guide to poisonous garden and house plants.

Here you will find more helpful tips about how to support your dog with ridding itself of pollutants:

  • Proper dog nutrition
A balanced and species-appropriate diet is crucial for your dog's health and its ability to rid itself of pollutants and metabolic waste products. A high-quality dog food with a high meat content that contains all the necessary nutrients forms the basis for your dog's health and well-being.

  • Sufficient water absorption
Adequate hydration is also important for dogs to support important bodily functions and keep the body hydrated. Therefore, make sure your dog always has access to clean, fresh water.

  • Regular exercise
Physical activity and regular walks are important for your dog's health. This is because exercise promotes blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism and digestion. This helps to transport harmful substances out of the body.

  • Preventive veterinary examinations
Regular visits to the vet are enormously important in order to monitor your dog's health and detect possible health problems early.

  • Deworming and parasite control 
Parasites such as worms or ticks can also burden the body or even transmit diseases. As a precaution, you should deworm your four-legged friend regularly. Nevertheless, you should always check your dog for parasites  as much as possible, as they can reduce its ability to detox itself and lead to other health complications.

  • Reduce your dog's stress levels
Stress can have a negative impact on your dog's health and can also impair its detoxification functions. Therefore, avoid (mental) overload and instead give your dog a stress-free environment and enough time for rest breaks.

The benefits of PLATINUM dog food

  • PLATINUM uses a unique preparation method called FSG, which offers numerous advantages compared to conventional dog food.
  • Dog food prepared with FSG is gently cooked only in its own meat juice and is therefore nutrient-rich like BARF, excellent for building muscles and also extra tasty for your dog.
  • With at least 70% fresh meat in the dry dog food and 83% fresh meat or fresh fish in the wet dog food, PLATINUM places great value on a composition of the food that is adapted to the needs of dogs.
  • The declaration and composition of dog food prepared with FSG is tested regularly and independently by ELAB Analytik GmbH (formerly TÜV SÜD ELAB) - for canine health protection.
  • PLATINUM is generally very well accepted by dogs of all breeds and ages. Even four-legged friends with sensitive digestion or intolerances usually tolerate PLATINUM dog food well.
  • All products are free of soya, GMOs and gluten. In addition, no flavour enhancers, attractants, odourants or colourings are used.
  • Over 80,000 positive customer reviews at Trusted Shops speak for themselves!