Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to questions asked to our customer service, practical tips for feeding your dog with PLATINUM dog food prepared with FSG and for feeding your cat with MeatCrisp from the Freshmeatdryer.

Dog Breeders

Our starter sets include a 1.5 kg bag of dry feed, a package of Menu Puppy Chicken, a toy, a measuring cup and information leaflets.

If your bitch is fed our PLATINUM feed and digests it well there is generally no need to switch her to our puppy feed.

Our Menu Puppy Chicken wet feed is very well suited to start feeding puppies after the suckling period.

Blending a small portion of the MENU Puppy Chicken wet feed with some lukewarm water and then offering the puppies the resulting puree as a „first meal“ has proven successful.

In the following days, you can gradually add more crumbled puppy dry feed to let the puree meal slowly peter out. Our Puppy dry feed is very easy to crush thanks to a residual moisture content of 19% and the puppies are quite keen on the resulting small pieces.

Your puppy will appreciate having something to chomp on starting by the fourth week of after birth. This is the right time to offer puppies solid feed and water in addition to the milk they get from their mother. You can also start to feed PLATINUM dry feed Puppy Chicken and PLATINUM wet feed Menu Puppy Chicken around the same time.

Our breeder support service and our veterinarian would be happy to provide you with individual advice on this:
Call our free service number on: 08 00/ 3 64 36 63 (08 00/ DOGFOOD)

To receive individual advice on this, please feel free to contact our breeders support service or our veterinarian:
Call our free service number on: 08 00/ 3 64 36 63 (08 00/ DOGFOOD)

Has your question not been answered yet? Then write to us!

Our team will be happy to help you.

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